
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another Israel Joke: Cats

Ok, so I just heard a bunch of the neighborhood stray cats get in another argument/fight…which is basically them making their most annoying meowing noise that goes like (mimic cat noise for aud.) and it made think: what are some options for taking care of this semi-important problem of this massive legion of unnecessary-yet-occasionally-adorable stray cats in the Land of Milk and Honey?...
   option #1: kill all of them in the most humane and cleanest way; perhaps with some kind of poison and then post-mortum clean-up crew so none of them rot in the are already ostensibly dirty, smelly areas/neighborhoods in which they predominantly habituate.
   option #2: kill all of them in the quickest, not-necessarily cleanest, but most-cost effective way e.g. genitically modified super cat-predators, like mega-dogs or super-wolves or something of that ilk. And then have the necessary clean-up crew for that type of method
(oh and by the way, any option where you kill the cats, I say you either a) turn them into food for another animal – i.e the dogs or wolves b) just incinerate the dirty annoying superfluous little creatures, etc)
   option #3: try to catch them first and then kill them if they respond with too opposition # and/or after catching them, after a certain period kill any cats in the catching center/animal shelter that it can’t afford to support and take care of and haven’t been able to get adopted.
   option #4: take catapults or those t-shirt launcher-guns they have at professional basketball games and just fuckin jettison them back into Egypt from whence they came! – At least, I’m pretty sure that’s where they came from, cuz, you know, like, that’s sort of what they told us in elementary school social studies….or launch ‘em into the sea if, you know, the Eyptians aren’t cool with that (which I’m guessing they wouldn’t be, but it’s definitely worth a shot).

Hope you enjoyed this little farcical rant. And for any of you are offended, just know that these are just ideas I’m tossin around here. You know, the blog doesn’t necessarily condone killing animals, but I figure if I eat chicken, cow, pig, lamb, fish, etc and therefore implicitly condone some forms of animal slaughter, why not throw the strays into the mix? 

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